Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Stay Active During the Holiday Season

Was just sitting at a local social spot here in Lynchburg, and I couldn't stop myself from conducting a bit of observational research.  Seated close to an entrance, I've been taking counts on the people arriving. There's a pretty even assortment of folks coming through the doors. College students, high school kids, and a wide age range of adults. Oh not to forget mentioning those super excited younglings parents have in tow.

Just watching people walk by triggered a thought about physical activity. I was shocked when I went to my phone and discovered that only 48% of adults meet the 2008 physical activity guidelines published by the CDC.

You might be reading this thinking, "Give me a break, it's the holiday season!" I understand the frustration, but did you realize that physical inactivity in adults leads to higher risks of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, depression, some cancers, and even early death? The CDC recommends that adults (those aged 18 to 64 years) engage in 150 minutes of moderate physical activity every week(e.x. brisk walking, water aerobics, biking on level ground, doubles tennis, pushing a law mower, etc.). If you really want to follow the guidelines, engage in moderate activity for 20 minutes every day. If you find that unreasonable, try just 15 minutes a day of simple activity. Start small and work your way up to that 20 minute mark. And for those of you who are going to play the, "I don't have time," card; consider this: 20 minutes is just over 1% of your day! Don't waste time making excuses. Get active, get fit.

Contact Crosswhite Fitness for details on the new gift cards for boot camp or personal training sessions.  

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